


Placer Pops Chorale and Orchestra/PPC Entertainment is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization.
We exist in part by the generous financial donations of our patrons, board of directors, and chorale family.
 We are extremely grateful for your continued support.


Donors & Sponsors

$2,750 - $4,999

Arts Council of Placer County
Robin Haney
Gay & Barry Mackintosh
Ronda Pearce
Lucille & Robert Putnam
Mary Ellen & Keith Vogt

$500 - $999

Marian & Dana Caldwell
Mark Edwards
Bethany Ely
Arla & Harold Folbrecht
Leslie Hirschaut
Mike Johnston
Kimberly Maness
Kim & Kent McCarley
Starla & Lorin Miller
Teresa Nelson
Nancy & Warren Schwegel
Linda Snelling
Anne Sterling
Annette & Robert Tornborg

IInger Avery
Barry Azarcon
Patricia & William Ball
Catherine Bain
Lynn Bollinger
Nancy Bowman
Linda Brown
Patricia Calabrese
Sue & Dan Clark
Janice Cook
Teri Cook
Nancy Cornelius
Chip Dunavent
Kim Eckert
Linda Fredericksen
Jean & James Friedrich
Susan & Gary Ganong
James Ganulin
Sharyn Granville
Marc & Antonette Huth
Frances Joan Griffin
Frances & Larry Irwin
Julie & Donald Jasper
Janette Johnson
Chisato & Daisuke Kitazawa
Gloria & Mark Lucas
Carol Lewis
Sandy Lewis
Scott Lewis
Amy Lowenstein
Joseph & Teresa Luchi
Shawn McCoy
Karol Mendez
Margit Miller
Laura Owens
Sonja & Viren Patel
Patti Pulver
Barbie & Bob Radcliff
Tim Ragan
Leslie Robinson
Sharon Rodda
Rick Rodgers
Leroy Routsong
Bruce Rueppel
Lyndee Sensenbach
Michael Siegel
Douglas Souvignier
Sharon Stanners
The Teichert Foundation
Cathy Tsukimura
Pam Wade
Ian Wells
Kelli & Mark Wheeler
Jan & Don White
Martin Brown & Blaine White
Womens Improvement Club of Roseville
Audrey Zakaria

Harris Center — Staff and Volunteers
Tony Roberts — Rehearsal tracks
Sierra College — Theatre and Rehearsal Space
Donna Chabrier — Promotion, Program, and Social Media
Terrie Jaramillo — Administration and Communication
Sharon Greenhagen — Stage Manager
Sandy Lewis — Sierra College Liaison
Robin Haney — Ticket Manager
Ronda Pearce — Stage Design, Production and Décor
Debbie Pratt — Set Design and Production
OLLI at Sierra College
Arts Council of Placer County
Vivian Baughman — Music and Score Librarian
Angelina Meja — Orchestra Contractor
Greg Flessing — Video and Projections, Special Effects, Website and Communications

Up to $99

Gratitude to the following 2024 Donors

ovation CIRCLE
$1,000 - $2,749

Donna & Jim Chabrier
Kathryn & Roger Crawford
Jantina & Greg Flessing
Lori & Dan Hall
Becky & Charlie Heieck
Camille Hukari
Jerry Lund
Placer Community Foundation
Janet & Jeff Riswold
Janelle Saigeon
Jason Welch
Richard Woodward

Carlos Aguilar
Sybil Alexander
Vivian and Gary Baughman
William Blake
Sue Bradlee
Andonia Cakouros
William and Cynthia Chisum
Lisa-Marie Clark
Bob Creson
Allegra Edwards
Sharon Greenhagen
Mark Joyce
Pattiey Leftridge
Dan McNeil
Maureen Morton
Paypal Giving Fund
Helen Power
Susanne Lynn Sadler
Vicki Stockdale
Cynthia Tidd
Marsha Von Dessoneck
Carolyn and Frank Woods

Thank you to the following people who make performances possible by donating time, materials, and services:


Concert Circle
Up to $99

chorale circle
$100 - $499

Producing sponsors
$5,000 - $10,000

The Bobolis Family
Brower Mechanical
Julie & Mike Cuneo
Jeannie & Paul Edwards
Terrie Jaramillo
Sheila & Bernie Sloop

Checks gladly accepted anytime.
  • Make checks out to The Pops Chorale/PPC Entertainment 
  • Mail to:
    The Pops Chorale and Orchestra
    1832 Christian Valley Road
    Auburn, CA. 95602

To donate online with a credit card, click here.

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